Maskeringstape fra Studio Light til bruk sammen med stempler eller stensiler. Tape med lite heft for at den ikke skal ødelegge underlaget, men samtidig f.eks holde stensilen på plass mens du holder på med bakgrunnsteknikker. Essentials by Studio Light. Essential Tools Stencil & Stamp Masking Tape. Low Tack. Removes easily & cleanly without damage or residue. Perfect for delicate tasks. 20 meter / 21.9 yard. 3x15 mm / 2 inch wide. Features: Studio Light Low Tack Tape is perfect for using with Die-cut stencils, Mask stencils and inking techniques to achieve perfectly straight, hard lines with no bleeding. The core of the roll fits on any tape dispenser, making it easy to measure out exactly how much tape is needed. This tape holds down your materials for as long as you need, but can be removed without damaging your paper projects. Each roll contains 20 meter (21,8 yard) low tack adhesive tape. The colored tape is translucent to help with precise placement. This tape is perfect for masking areas on your projects or on stencils. Use with paper, plastic, metal, wood, canvas.